Some experience a great pull toward the water, not only choosing their holiday destinations by the waterscapes available but even moving to live closer to oceans and lakes. Such a defined interest is usually also complemented by watersport activities, such as surfing or swimming. While this relationship with the landscape works well during the summer, with long hot days and cool refreshing water, it can be a little more challenging during the winter months, with many putting their surfboards away to hibernate.
There are, however, a number of watersports that can continue to be enjoyed during winter and even on cold days. Promising that individuals have the right equipment and, importantly, the confidence to tackle the chill, then there’s no reason to put staying active on hiatus as the temperature drops.
One of the most accessible watersports for all individuals, this low-impact workout immerses individuals in the water with a number of health benefits, while also being plenty of fun. Dipping into lakes and seafronts on a hot day might seem like a far more pleasant endeavour than any day during winter, however, those who have embraced cold water swimming would say otherwise.
Cold water swimming not only allows individuals to enjoy their favourite spots free of summer traffic but it also comes with a host of health benefits, from a boosted immune system to improved blood circulation.
The tranquillity and satisfaction associated with fishing don’t need to end as the summer draws to a close. Ice fishing is not only a great way to keep the activity going during a colder period but, for many, it is the primary version of fishing.
Stand-Up Paddleboarding
What has quickly become one of the most celebrated watersports, stand-up paddleboarding is also a great activity for the winter months, ensuring that the exploration of people’s favourite waterscapes remains open even on the coldest of days.
What’s important, however, is that individuals ensure they are well-equipped and appropriately dressed to stay safe on cold water. This means wearing suitable levels of insulating clothing, such as a thick wetsuit, as well as gloves and boots to ensure that hands and feet stay warm and are able to maintain their grip.
Much like paddleboarding, windsurfing is a great winter watersport promising you are well-equipped. Since the weather conditions can be slightly more extreme, surfers generally find it more exciting to be out on the water. However, the climate requires more endurance and increased confidence, meaning most will enjoy shorter and more intense sessions on the water.
Conditions at sea can be challenging at any time of year but they are made much more difficult during the winter, especially as sailors are assured to face low temperatures and wet days. Talking to sailors, you might be surprised to hear that many actually prefer this scenario since the summer season makes navigating water and anchoring difficult in its own right, with increased traffic and costs. For those looking to experience respite, away from crowded seas, winter is actually the perfect time to venture out.