There are so many reasons why getting outdoors during the winter period is a great idea. For many, it is seeing their favorite landscapes in new ways, with woodlands and mountains being coated in snow. For others, it’s the serenity, with the crowds of summer having disappeared. While the weather can be cold or blustery enough to put some individuals off, there are a handful of accessories that will not only remedy any potential discomfort but even make a winter adventure one to remember.
Whether you refer to it as a neck gaiter or a snood, this simple accessory can be of great use when there’s a cold wind about. In addition to keeping the breeze from the sensitive skin around your neck, the fabric of a snood also keeps hair in place and prevents body heat from escaping beneath your jacket. Many designs can also be pulled up over the mouth and nose too, helping on those especially cold days.
Vacuum Flask
Having access to a hot drink can be the restorative resource that individuals need to keep them motivated and warm when outdoors in winter. These reusable accessories are now often designed to keep drinks warm for extended periods of time, even all day, meaning that those who want to enjoy hot coffee or soup can do so no matter how far into their hike they are.
Putting a high-quality beanie on your head when outdoors is almost always a brilliant idea. In addition to keeping your head warm and hair in place, these eco-friendly accessories add visibility to your person, meaning that others can keep you in their sights, whether you are exploring the woodland floor or paddling out at sea.
Down Jacket
Being active outdoors during the winter months necessitates two characteristics of outerwear. Firstly, coats and jackets must be well-insulated, ensuring that those wearing them remain warm even during harsh weather conditions. Secondly, they must be relatively lightweight to ensure activities can be enjoyed. These two factors might seem contradictory but down jackets find the balance perfectly, making them an essential accessory.
Changing Robe
If your favorite outdoor activity involves the water, then it is important to consider getting warm once back on land. Changing robes are the ideal way to do this, drawing moisture away from the body and insulating it back to warmth.
Depending on the terrain you plan on crossing, it may be wise, or even necessary, to bring along crampons or microspikes, especially if there’s any chance of snowfall. These lightweight accessories dramatically improve traction and make climbing over snow and ice possible, even in harsh conditions.
Many individuals will neglect to bring their sunglasses along during their winter excursion, associating them with the summer season. However, the sun can still shine brightly on a cold day and, with the addition of snow, cause even more significant challenges to those outdoors. If the sky is to be clear, be sure to pack your sunglasses, supporting the best visibility possible and keeping your eyes safe.