Whether you are attempting to find out the cost of your static caravan just out of curiosity or you are considering selling your caravan, it can help to understand what it might be worth. Of course, it is not possible to provide an absolute price for every static caravan UK as there are many factors that will determine the cost and we will cover these in this article.
The exterior condition
If your caravan is clean and has been maintained then this is a good indication that it has been cared for in the right way. There are parts of your static caravan that need to be checked such as the chassis as this can corrode if your caravan has been located near to the sea. However, the external condition is good indication of what your caravan might be worth.
The interior condition
While the exterior is important, so is the interior. Anyone who is looking to purchase a used static caravan is going to want to make sure it is in good condition inside. If you take the time to keep your static caravan clean, such as carpets, toilets, seating areas and your kitchen then this will help you to achieve more. This will mean that the heating system will also need to work as well as gas appliances. If there are little to no repairs required then you can ask for a higher price.
Central heating and windows
If you have central heating and double-glazed windows, these both need to be in excellent condition. Any sign of damage or problems could prove costly to put right and that could impact the asking price of your static caravan.
Heating systems can cause leaks, so expect people to look for signs of leaks but if you have had your heating system maintained and serviced and all of your windows are watertight, then this is a good sign that your caravan could sell for as much as you were hoping for!
Insurance claims
If you have made insurance claims on your static caravan then you need to make this aware to those who are interested. Caravans can flood as a result of burst pipes and this can lead to water stains and damage, all of which is covered. Therefore, if you have made any insurance claims, it is important to show that you can document the work that has taken place as this will provide peace of mind, knowing that all work has been completed by a professional.
How much do static caravans lose in value each year?
This is governed by a number of factors such as the condition and age but on the whole static caravans can lose around 15% in value each year. Once they reach a certain age, such as around 15 years old, you will find that static caravans are worth nowhere near what they once were. This is down to newer models being introduced to the market and the designs changing. However, if you are looking to sell your static caravan, it can help if you ensure that your caravan is in the best possible condition.